News & Stories


Just in time

When Asia and Aitcha’s mother died just a week after they were born, it was…

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Glowing with happiness

Pritima was so happy to be walking again after receiving support from the Community Care…

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Romogi Primary Heatlh Care Centre, South Sudan

Always treated well

A clinic for children at the Martha PHCC Would you want to be treated by…

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From facing death to giving life

Annastasia almost died when HIV left her weakened immune system struggling to fight tuberculosis. But…

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Dr Ashita and Ramada IMG

Annual Review 2023-24

'...our incredible local partners, are not just providing health care that is both affordable and…

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Annastasia’s amazing loving care

The love and care of a community caregiver has transformed the life of a seriously…

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The palliative care team on a support visit to the community health workers working in a remote area of the district. They are visiting villagers and taking morphine for cancer patients in pain.

Across the harsh hilly terrain rife with dangers

Through your giving be an 'essential extra member' of a team of health workers now…

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More beds for sick patients at Guinebor II

Too many patients and not enough beds A patient would arrive in the emergency department…

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I would have died

Themba knows he’s alive today because of the quick actions of Embo Clinic’s Community Caregiver…

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I have seen my child improve a lot

I have seen my child improve a lot Life has significantly improved for 4-year-old Amina…

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Annual Review 2022-23

‘It has been another year of health and hope experienced by thousands of people living…

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Planned. Prayed. Surgery. Saved.

When a desperately ill expectant mother entered the Intensive Care Unit at Chinchpada Christian Hospital…

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Low-cost healthcare helped save Bonda's life

Low-cost healthcare saves lives

Helping people like Bonda find health and hope through low-cost healthcare is what Chinchpada Christian…

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p8 Pricilla with patient

‘Love one another…’

Embo Community Church’s Primary Health Care Clinic and Community Caregiver Team – KwaZulu Natal –…

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Occupational therapist Rachel and 11-year-old Chandan, Chinchpada Christian Hospital, Maharashtra, India

Compassion that won’t quit

Chinchpada Christian Hospital – Maharashtra – India The success of Chinchpada’s palliative care work has…

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MAI Annual Review 2021-22, Unconditional love in a chaotic world

Annual Review 2021-22

“I do this work because I love to serve my community. I believe this is…

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Every three minutes

Today is World Tuberculosis Day. TB may sound like a thing of the past. But it is…

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Their faces say it all

Their faces say it all. Aryan and his sister can hardly contain their joy at the…

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‘This is a sweeter place to enter than many mansions’

‘As we approached the planks of asbestos and thin green plastic sheet that Rinabai called…

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Zarah, another child’s life saved

Just £25 can ensure that a child with acute malnutrition receives a four weeks’ supply…

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Annual Review 2020/21

Time and time again in this gruelling year, MAI’s partners and those they serve have…

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‘Our cry to God is to calm this massive storm which has hit us with gale force.’

Your gift today could be a lifeline to a destitute Covid patient   ‘Our cry…

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Taking patients to hospital on time and in style!

Embo Clinic’s efficient new vehicle is already proving invaluable taking patients to vital clinic and hospital appointments…

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Introducing a life-saving partnership to tackle child hunger in Chad

Many Chadians face acute poverty and hunger on a daily basis. The country comes 187th out…

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‘There was no way we would send Vishal home to die’

Dr Ashita Singh writes, ‘Vishal was carried in to Chinchpada’s casualty department in his parents’…

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p6 South Africa?

Child health care in Embo

Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region with the highest under-5 mortality rate in the world, with…

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Five hour journey to hospital with an ectopic pregnancy

Getting to a hospital is already hard in many regions of Nepal. It can take…

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Coronavirus appeal

As an International Development practitioner I’ve seen some desperate situations over the past 25 years,…

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Volunteer visit – MAI trustee Nick Moore on his recent trip to India

‘Giving people the dignity everyone deserves, no matter how little they have’ MAI trustee Nick…

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A visit from Priscilla changed everything

Musa was already HIV-positive when he was born in Embo, South Africa 22 years ago.…

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Ajay’s story

Ragged and gaunt, scarcely able to stand, 19-year-old Ajay* staggered through the doors of Chinchpada Christian…

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‘All drugs to final bill – no payment’

Sonali had been in Chinchpada’s intensive care unit barely a few hours. Her mother was…

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‘I can see!’

‘I can see!’ An outpouring of generosity in response to last summer’s South Sudan appeal…

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‘I’m astonished that God loves me so much’

Lockdown in South Africa has left many families with no money or food – meaning…

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When hope confronts despair

Last Christmas, staff and church volunteers held a special carol service for palliative care patients…

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Annual Review 2019/20

The ongoing pandemic may have caused great hardship this year, but we do have some…

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Aunt is my blessing -Rohan 3

From stigma to support

Eleven-year-old Rohan had already lost his parents and grandmother to HIV when his aunt reluctantly took…

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P.4-5 School Cancer Awareness Skit 1 (children as young as 10 start chewing tobacco)

School cancer awareness makes a difference

When Ajit visited his traditional healer about a wound in his inner cheek, he applied…

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More optimistic about life

Amrita (pictured on the left) is 25 years old, and has recently completed her Auxiliary…

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Health poverty and how you’re helping

Ajay's story... Ragged and gaunt, scarcely able to stand, 19-year-old Ajay* staggered through the doors…

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Turning bitterness into blessing

Alcohol-dependent, volatile and sometimes violent, 32-year-old Subhash was estranged from his wife and children, although…

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‘Thank you a lot for changing me for better’

Tila only discovered that she had HIV when her baby died immediately after birth. The…

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embo healthpost

Another busy year

In 2019, MAI continued to support the Community Caregivers team in Embo, South Africa to…

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p.2 and 3 Savitra, Sita, Purna Chowdry sitting in their homes second room

Living with HIV can be a lonely and fragile experience

‘We did not have much work, we felt there was no hope. We were lost,…

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Completed TB IMG-20180118-WA0006

TB consultation rooms completed

 TB Clinic extension is completed! The TB Clinic extension includes a separate entrance and treatment…

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Stronger together

Self-help groups for people living with HIV  in Nepal provide valuable peer support to their…

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