What We Do

What’s the problem?

People in very poor communities rarely have adequate health provision.

The nearest clinic or hospital can often be many miles away…

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Our response…

We support trusted, highly competent local partner organisations as they give life-changing medical care and support to people in very difficult circumstances.

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Whats the problem

Our Projects

Our Story


We were founded in 2003 to provide healthcare to vulnerable people of all faiths and none.

Release International, which serves persecuted Christians, had been funding medical treatment for victims of ethno-religious violence in Nigeria. But their constitution only allowed them to support Christians, even though many others urgently needed help.

That’s why MAI was created – to form a new charity dedicated to helping local Christians provide healthcare for people in desperate circumstances, regardless of race, age, class or creed.

People Benefitted in 2022

Over 9,500 from health and social care, 23,500 received healthcare messages

Our Patron

MAI are delighted to welcome Noël into the MAI family, with a clear passion to be part of realising MAI’s vision to support Christian health partners bring health and hope to some of the poorest communities in the world.  Coming with a serving heart, willing to bless MAI with his musical gifts and help promote MAI among his extensive global Christian networks.

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