We find and support local partners motivated by their Christian faith to develop sustainable healthcare in highly vulnerable, marginalised communities.
This looks different in different places, as our partners respond to the specific needs of the people they serve.
All we do is shaped and driven by the fact that we:
- are moved and compelled by God’s love, and committed to demonstrating that love in action
- are appalled at the brokenness of humanity, and committed to seeing the most vulnerable people able to access to the healthcare they need
- are inspired by the sacrificial dedication and compassion of our partners, and committed to a shared vision for change and desire to learn and adapt
- value every penny and minute of time given to us, and are committed to the most effective use of these resources.
That’s why we choose partners we believe can become self-sustaining in the long term. We then provide expertise, support, funding and short-term volunteers at our partners’ request.
In turn, our partners provide care that is:
- free or low-cost for the poorest
- high quality
- provided to local people by local people
- sustainable, or working towards sustainability
- available to people of all faiths and none, regardless of race, age, class or creed
Examples include:
Chad: Giving very young children the nutrition they need to live healthy lives for years to come
India: Providing compassionate end-of-life care so people can live their last days free from pain and fear
South Africa: Helping people with TB and HIV to get the medication and support they need to rebuild their lives
South Sudan: Restoring sight to visually impaired people through laser cataract surgery.
It’s simple – care like this changes lives.
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