Annastasia’s amazing loving care
The love and care of a community caregiver has transformed the life of a seriously ill man and his family.

Petros was having a good morning when suddenly his body shook for a few seconds, and he collapsed. His wife Gertrude was in complete shock when she saw him after rushing home from work.
The man she dearly loved was unconscious and finding it hard to breathe.
Here in the UK, we would call 999 in such a situation, but in Embo the quickest help comes from one of the community caregivers at Embo Clinic, who are funded by MAI supporters like you. Gertrude called Annastasia, her local community caregiver, who came straightaway.
Seeing how seriously ill Petros was, Annastasia immediately arranged for him to be driven to the clinic.Before they left, Annastasia prayed for Petros, which greatly comforted his family.
At the clinic, the experienced nursing staff quickly provided immediate treatment to stabilise Petros. Olga the lay counsellor comforted Gertrude who was distraught and screaming as she feared her husband was dying.
As soon as it was possible, Petros was driven to hospital 30 miles away. Annastasia provided continued care during the journey.
Ongoing loving care
That was not the end of Annastasia’s involvement. Petros spent six days in Intensive Care and thankfully survived, being transferred to the High Dependency Unit afterwards. Annastasia visited Petros four times, bringing him nutritious food, reading him scripture, and encouraging him.
Petros found Annastasia’s support deeply moving. He would never allow Annastasia to leave the ward without praying for him. Petros admitted to her about his heavy drinking which he felt was a contributing factor to his illness.
Now out of hospital, Petros has given up alcohol and smoking, And through Annastasia’s powerful witness, he’s become a Christian.
To feed his family and improve his health, he is starting a vegetable garden with seeds and tools supplied by the clinic through Annastasia, who continues to visit him.
The positive changes in Petros’s life have made Annastasia weep with joy. Petros is so grateful for the part she has played in his transformation.
‘Annastasia, you are my real sister and thank you for your amazing care,’ he told her.
Annastasia and the caregiver team would not be able to save lives like Petros if it wasn’t for all those who support MAI. If you’re a supporter, thank you so much. We deeply appreciate it.