Volunteer visit – MAI trustee Nick Moore on his recent trip to India
‘Giving people the dignity everyone deserves, no matter how little they have’
MAI trustee Nick Moore shares a powerful highlight from his recent visit to Chinchpada Christian Hospital
‘It was a sight I won’t forget – a man in his 30s, we’ll call him Aravind, kneeling on his bed, hands clasped, begging his wife to let him be admitted to hospital.
The cancer growing in Aravind’s mouth prevented him from speaking or eating. But the palliative care team visited him faithfully, teaching his wife how to feed him a liquid mix via a tube into his nose.
When Elaine and I arrived at the house it was clear all was not well. Overwhelmed and in denial about Aravind’s condition, his wife was flatly refusing to allow him to be taken to hospital. The team couldn’t understand her stubbornness – until they spotted two murky bottles. She had paid a witch doctor money she didn’t have for a traditional cure.
As soon as Dr Ashita gave permission for the bottles to go too, she relented. Aravind was in hospital that evening. Two days later he looked a different man. The painkillers, kindness and care had done their job. His pain score dropped from 10 to 1, and he scribbled notes asking for prayer.
Aravind died peacefully just a few days later. What a privilege it was to witness the work that enabled him to go to be with his Lord with the peace and dignity that everyone deserves, no matter how little they have.’
Visiting our partners
Are you interested in seeing this work for yourself? Let us know if you’d like to join a group visiting our partners in South Africa or India – or even arrange your own group visit – when travel restrictions allow.
Email [email protected] and let’s continue the conversation.